General Data Protection Regulation Policy
Museum: Cricklade
Governing Body: Cricklade Historical Society
Date approved by Governing body: 11th May 2018
Date at which policy is due for review: May 2023
Along with other bodies, Cricklade Historical Society (the Society) has a duty to meet the new data protection regulation from the end of May 2018.
There are two aspects to the data held by the Society: a) Cricklade Historical Society members data and b) Accession data for items on loan or donated to the Cricklade Museum.
Cricklade Historical Society members data.
We will only hold data about a member which the member has agreed we can hold for the purpose of renewal of membership fees, distribution of membership notices and publications. We hold membership data electronically on a spreadsheet. This comprises both a postal and email address (when provided), member’s payment method and raffle ticket preference. This data is updated when changes are notified by members, such as change of email address or postal address and members are removed from the list if their annual subscription – due on the 1 st January each year – has not been received by the end of January.
When a member opts to use a standing order for payment, the bank details are passed to the appropriate bank and no copy of bank details is retained by Cricklade Historical Society.
Accession Data
This is the data created when an individual or organisation donates or lends an item or items to the Cricklade Museum. It is our policy to retain donor information whenever this is provided in an Accession Register. This register contains the name and address of the donor and whether the item is on loan or is a gift, along with a simple description of the item and the accession number and location of the item. The Accession Register started in 1988; prior to this there are no physical records of donations retained in the museum, although in 1988 and 1989 a computer database was loaded with this data and the data is still retained and updated on the Modes database. This data is not on the internet as there is no internet access in the museum. It is our policy to retain the accession data in the register and the data on the Modes database indefinitely. We no longer create individual paper forms for accessions unless a receipt is required. Copies of these are held within the museum archives for future reference.
To ensure that all members of the Society understand the Trustees of the Society handle their data securely.
To respond appropriately to any enquiry about their data held by the Society by a member or ex-member.
To monitor and review the effectiveness of this policy on a regular basis.
New Members: When a new person joins the society, they complete a paper membership form which contains details of their home address, email address and – if paying by standing order – their bank details.
The personal details are recorded onto the membership database and the request to pay by standing order is detached from the form and sent to the appropriate bank. The paper form is then shredded.
Existing Members: The membership database is updated each year in January to record that a member has paid their subscription. If payment has not been received by the end of January, then the membership is considered lapsed and the membership is deleted. The ex- member would need to submit an application form to re-join the society.
Accession: As described in the Policy, accessions are recorded in a physical Accession Register and on the Modes database. Donations of gifts to the Museum do not have to be accompanied by the donor’s name and/or address but anything brought in on loan must be accompanied by a name and address so the item or items can be returned.